Sediment Toxicity Testing
Sediment Toxicity Testing
Sediment Toxicity Testing on potentially toxic sediments can provide valuable data for contaminated site assessments and site remediation efforts. Sediment testing is also often required on dredge projects or in disposal of dredge materials.
NEB performs a variety of tests to evaluate sediment contamination. The specific methodology depends upon the sediment phase evaluated.
Solid-phase tests are used to assess the toxic effects of whole sediments on invertebrate survival, growth, or reproduction. NEB offers the following assays:
Freshwater Solid-Phase Sediment Test Methods EPA 600/R-99/064
Test Method 100.1: Hyalella azteca 10-day Survival and Growth
Test Method 100.2: Chironomus dilutus (formerly C.tentans) 10-day Survival and Growth
Test Method 100.4: Hyalella azteca 42-day Survival, Growth and Reproduction *
Test Method 100.5: Chironomus dilutus (formerly C.tentans) Life Cycle & modified 20-day survival and growth
(* We can also perform a modified 28-day survival and growth)
Saltwater Solid-Phase Sediment Test Methods EPA 600/R-01/020
Leptocheirus plumulosus 28-day Survival, Growth and Reproduction
Tests with suspended sediments, elutriates, pore waters, and sediment extracts are performed using a wide variety of organisms. Our lab can perform Tier III dredge materials testing in accordance with EPA protocols (EPA 503/8-91/001), and the Army Corps of Engineers Regional Implementation Manual for New England. NEB has an approved LQAP on file with the New England District Corps of Engineers for biological toxicity testing and bioaccumulation testing.
NEB offers the following Dredge Material assays:
10-day Solid Phase Bioassay Testing
- Ampelisca abdita
- Leptocheirus plumulosus
- Hyalella Azteca
- Americamysis bahia
- Chironomus dilutus
Suspended Particulate Phase Bioassay (Water Column)
- Americamysis bahia
- Daphnia magna, Daphnia pulex, Ceriodaphnia dubia
- Menidia beryllina
- Cyprinodon variegatus
- Pimephales promelas
- Oncorhynchus mykiss
- Arbacia punctulata
28-day Bioaccumulation Testing
- Nereis virens
- Macoma nasuta